When in Drupal 8, the password for user #1 (the administrator) is
lost and the email notification don’t work, it is possible to set the
password via a database query.
Right now we are in the middle of the development of Drupal 8 and the usual command drush uli provided by Drush doesn’t work.
Right now when I try to execute that command, I got the following error.
Fatal error: Call to undefined functionurl() in
on line 466 Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable
The Solution
##Generate a new password
First, you have to generate a password hash that is valid for your site.
Execute the following commands from the command line, in the Drupal 8 root directory:
Be careful not to include more or fewer characters as the hash. These hashes look somewhat like $S$EV4QAYSIc9XNZD9GMNDwMpMJXPJzz1J2dkSH6KIGiAVXvREBy.9E.
We will use the generated password later.
Update the user password.
Now you need to update the user password, in our case, we need to
update the Administrator password, fortunately, the UID for
Administrator is 1 equal to previous versions of Drupal.
With the new password, we need run the following SQL statement.
UPDATE users_field_data
SET pass='$S$E5j59pCS9kjQ8P/M1aUCKuF4UUIp.dXjrHyvnE4PerAVJ93bIu4U'
WHERE uid = 1;
Dealing with Cache
At this point, if you try to login in the Drupal 8 website you will
be rejected, it’s because the login system doesn’t read directly the
table users_field_data instead of a cache for entities are used.
To flush the cache for a specific user entity with compromise the
rest of cache of your system you can use the following SQL statement.
DELETE FROM cache_entity WHERE cid = 'values:user:1';
Now you can grab a cup of coffee/tea and enjoy your Drupal 8 website.
I hope you found this article useful.
AWS Rekognition is a powerful, easy to use image and video recognition service that can be used for face detection. AWS can use an image (for example, a picture of you) to search through an existing collection of images, and return a list of said images in which you appear. AWS Rekognition can also we used to find celebrities, text, scenes, activities, and even identify inappropriate content.
The purpose of this post is to discuss how to use AWS Rekognition (referred to herein as Rekognition) to build a webpage that uses your webcam to upload an image to S3, where it is then analysed by Rekognition. Once analysed, matching images are then returned back to the client and displayed.
You will learn the following;
How to set-up Next.js, Mongo, Mongoose, Express, Material UI and more…
How to use React-Webcam to capture an image of yourself
How to use FilePond and Multer to upload images to Amazon S3
How to use Rekognition to find images of yourself
For full context, here is a screenshot of the finished product of what we are trying to create.
Material UI, FilePond, React Webcam
The page consists of 3 sections. First, we use FilePond to upload images to an S3 bucket, then add them to our Rekognition collection (where they are analysed). Then, using the users webcam, a picture is captured (React Webcam) and again uploaded to S3 and analysed for matches. Any matches found are returned back to the user and displayed.
This is a long post, so let’s get started. AWS Rekognition pricing
Rekognition is fairly cheap. You only pay for what you use.
Prices start around USD 1.00 per 1000 images (for the first 1 million) per month. See the pricing table for more details. Getting started with Next.js and Express
For ultimate speed and simplicity, we will use Next.js with our own custom back-end using Express and more. We will only quickly discuss the basics of Next.js in this post.
We will use Nodemon to automatically restart our process whenever we make any changes. We will also use @babel/node so that we can use language features that have not necessarily been implemented in Node yet. This is fine for development, however, @babel/node can be slow for production, so you may consider adding a compilation step later.
In the root of your project, create a new file called .babelrc and add the following code;
Now create a new file in the root of your project, called nodemon.json.
From your terminal, run npm run dev, and navigate your browser to http://localhost:3000. Your page should load as expected. You should also be able to hit http://localhost:3000 and get a JSON formatted response. Getting started with MongoDB and Mongoose
With some basic set-up in place, we can start thinking about our database. What exactly do we need a database for anyway?
I’m so glad you asked! Consider the following flow;
User lands on our website.
The user should be able to upload images to our Rekognition collection using an upload tool. These are the images we will search through later.
Images uploaded to Rekognition do not stay there, they are analysed and the result of the analysis is kept in a very long and detailed JSON file inside Rekognition itself (basically, Rekognition does not store your images, it only analyses them). We will use S3 to store images.
User then uses their webcam to scan an image of their face, and uploads that image to Rekognition for analysis.
Rekognition responds back with all the JSON data for the image(s) that it matched. Here’s the kicker, we need to store some relationship between the JSON data and the actual image itself, so we can then serve that image back to the user. Conveniently, AWS supports an ExternalImageId, which we can use to find the actual image, which we can then serve up.
We need somewhere to store information about each image (referred to throughout as Picture), so we can refer back to it later. This is where MongoDB comes in.
We should start by defining our database schema, our models, and setting up the connection to the database.Start by installing Mongoose (a light wrapper around MongoDB that simplifies model creation and makes database lookups easier), and dotenv, which we will use to store our secrets and other config;
npminstall --save mongoose dotenv express
Make the following changes to server/index.js;
import express from "express";
import next from "next";
+import { connectToDatabase } from "./database";
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production";
const nextApp = next({ dev });
const handle = nextApp.getRequestHandler();
const port = 3000;
nextApp.prepare().then(async () => {
const app = express();
- app.get("/test", (req, res) => {
- return res.status(200).json({ hello: "World" });
- });
app.get("*", (req, res) => {
return handle(req, res);
+ await connectToDatabase();
app.listen(port, err => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(`> Ready on localhost:${port}`);
Inside your server directory, create a new file called database.js and add the following;
import{ connect }from'mongoose'constconnectToDatabase=async()=>awaitconnect(
autoIndex:false,// Don't build indexes
reconnectTries: Number.MAX_VALUE,// Never stop trying to reconnect
reconnectInterval:500,// Reconnect every 500ms
poolSize:10,// Maintain up to 10 socket connections// If not connected, return errors immediately rather than waiting for reconnect
useNewUrlParser:true})export{ connectToDatabase }
Notice that we are using an environment variable, DB_CONNECTION_STRING, which we have not defined yet.
In the root of your project, add a new file called .env and add the following code;
It does not matter if you use a local instance of MongoDB, or a hosted instance, like MongoDB Atlas.
With your connection string in place, we can now connect to the database.
We need to spec out our database schema. What data do we need to store about each image?
All we really need to know about each uploaded image is what its URL is, so that we can download it later. When each image is uploaded, it will be added to an AWS S3 bucket, using the AWS SDK. As part of the call to S3, we get a bunch of other metadata back about each image, which we will also store (for future reference).
We will then assign the _id generated for us by Mongo to the ExternalImageId field we mentioned earlier (we will see this properly later when we come to wiring up the AWS SDK). If this all sounds a bit confusing, don’t worry… I promise this will all make sense.
Make the following changes;
-import { connect } from "mongoose";
+import { model, Schema, connect } from 'mongoose'
const connectToDatabase = async () =>
await connect(
process.env.DB_CONNECTION_STRING || "",
useFindAndModify: false,
autoIndex: false, // Don't build indexes
reconnectTries: Number.MAX_VALUE, // Never stop trying to reconnect
reconnectInterval: 500, // Reconnect every 500ms
poolSize: 10, // Maintain up to 10 socket connections
// If not connected, return errors immediately rather than waiting for reconnect
bufferMaxEntries: 0,
useNewUrlParser: true
+const PictureSchema = new Schema({
+ filename: String,
+ mimeType: String,
+ bucket: String,
+ contentType: String,
+ location: String,
+ etag: String
+const PictureModel = model("Picture", PictureSchema);
-export { connectToDatabase };
+export { connectToDatabase, PictureModel };
With our schema and model defined, we can start thinking about adding Express routes/endpoints for the client to call. Adding face recognition endpoints to our Express app
We will need two endpoints, /api/upload and /api/face.
/api/upload will be the endpoint that gets called when the user wants to add images to the Rekognition collection.
/api/face will be the endpoint that gets called when the user wants to upload their own face captured via the webcam.
Let’s start by wiring up our router and the upload endpoint first.
We will put all of our routes into their own file, called router.js to keep our concerns separated. In the server directory, create a new file called router.js, and add the following code;
And open server/index.js and add the code to initialise the router;
import express from "express";
import next from "next";
import { connectToDatabase } from "./database";
+import router from './router'
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production";
const nextApp = next({ dev });
const handle = nextApp.getRequestHandler();
const port = 3000;
nextApp.prepare().then(async () => {
const app = express();
+ router(app)
app.get("*", (req, res) => {
return handle(req, res);
await connectToDatabase();
app.listen(port, err => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(`> Ready on localhost:${port}`);
Let’s take a moment to think about what we want this upload route to do.
As per our flow discussed at the beginning of this post, the upload route will be used from the front-end to upload images to Rekognition, and they will be stored in an AWS S3 bucket.
Uploading images in Node can be quite tricky, so we will use Multer S3 to simplify the process. Multer reduces (although, does not eliminate) the pain associated with accessing files from the request. Multer S3 is a layer on top of Multer, which enables us to pass in details of our S3 bucket.
First things first, install Multer and Multer S3. We also need the AWS SDK, as we need to define our AWS credentials and pass them to Multer so it has access to our bucket. We will use uuid to ensure the uploaded image has a unique filename.
Start by importing the libraries we are depending on; Multer, Multer S3, UUID and AWS.
Next, create a new instance of S3, from the AWS SDK. Use environment variables to keep sensitive secrets out of the code base (make sure you add them to your .env file).
Next we have two functions; setMetadata and setKey. setMetadata will be used to set the file name in S3. If we don’t set a unique filename, we run the risk of files being overwritten. setKey returns an object that contains the original filename.
Then we created an instance of multer and tell it we want to use multerS3 for storage. We pass multerS3 the credentials for our S3 bucket, and we set the metadata and keys using the functions we just discussed.
Finally, we updated the router to call through to multer, which will extract the image from the request for us. We tell it that our image is in a field called filepond on the request. This is named so because we will use and open source library called Filepond on the front-end later.
Multer S3 will take care of uploading the image for us. When that is done we need to ensure that we save a record of the upload to the database. The file will be available on the request, along with all the metadata returned from S3.
To keep things simple, we will create a function inside database.js which takes care of saving to the database for us.
Grab the uploaded file from the request, and extract metadata from it.
Reshape the metadata so that it matches the PictureModel schema that we defined earlier.
Save the new picture to the database.
Add the image to our Rekognition collection (TODO).
We just need to wire up the savePicture method to run after the upload has completed.
Open server/router.js again and make the following alterations;
import express from "express";
+import { savePicture } from "./database"
// Code omitted for brevity
-router.post("/upload", upload().single("filepond"));
+router.post("/upload", upload().single("filepond"), savePicture);
function Router(app) {
app.use(`/api`, router);
export default Router;
Now, when the upload is completed, our savePicture function will be called and a record of the upload will be added to the database. How to use Material UI with Next.js
Configuring and setting up Material UI with Next.js has been covered extensively on this website. In a nutshell, you can set-up Material UI as simply as installing its dependencies and importing the components in to your own components.
npminstall --save @material-ui/core
For a more detailed explanation of how to use Material UI with Next.js,
From this point forward, we will assume that you have Material UI set up, configured and working correctly, so we can get on with wiring up our front-end. Using MulterS3 with FilePond to upload images to AWS S3
Currently we have some boilerplate code in pages/index.js. Go ahead and delete that file and create a new file called index.jsx in the pages directory.
This gives us some very basic layout and copy. We have defined a component here, called FileUpload, that does not currently exist. Let’s go ahead and fix that.
Our FileUpload component will be a basic wrapper around React FilePond (a high level wrapper around FilePond itself).
Install React FilePond, and associated plugins, as follows;
First, import the React FilePond component, for use in our functional component
Import styling directly from FilePond so that we get a nice-looking component out of the box with no customisation required
We import the FilePondPluginImageExifOrientation and FilePondPluginImagePreview plugins and register them with FilePond, so that we can get a really nice image preview whilst each picture is uploading.
Use a React state hook to store information about each uploading file
We specified that images being uploaded are to be sent to the /api/upload endpoint that we created earlier.
Next.js does not support importing .css files directly, so we need to make a small modification to Next’s config. Next have made available a package, exactly for this purpose.
npminstall --save @zeit/next-css
With this installed, in the root of your project, create a new file called next.config.js. Add the following code;
Re-running npm run dev should work properly now and our page should load. FilePond should be rending you a droppable area where you can upload your images. Upload an image and refer to your S3 bucket.
FilePond upload image to AWS S3 Bucket
You should be able to find the uploaded image in your S3 bucket, complete with unique filename.
On the back-end, once the image has finished uploading, a call is made through to our savePicture function that we wrote earlier. When I tested it, this is the result I got;
We have touched on this already, but it’s worth a recap. There are three interesting bits of information here;
_id was the unique Id generated by Mongo for this image. We will need to pass this Id to Rekognition, so we can retrieve this image later.
The original filename. This can be very helpful for future reference, although we will not actually use it.
location is the URL to the image in the S3 bucket. We need this so we can download the image later.
We have a large TODO in our back-end code, the process of adding the image to the Rekognition image collection. We will take care of that next. How to add an image to a collection in AWS Rekognition
We have the facility in place now to enable uploads to our AWS Rekognition collection. We need to add some basic set-up code. This set-up code will run exactly one time, when the server starts up, and will ensure that our collection exists before we start adding to it.
Open server/index.js and make the following edits;
import express from 'express'
import next from 'next'
import { connectToDatabase } from './database'
import router from './router'
+import { initialise } from './faceRecognition'
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
const nextApp = next({ dev })
const handle = nextApp.getRequestHandler()
const port = 3000
nextApp.prepare().then(async () => {
const app = express()
app.get('*', (req, res) => {
return handle(req, res)
+ await initialise()
await connectToDatabase()
app.listen(port, err => {
if (err) throw err
console.log(`> Ready on localhost:${port}`)
All we’re doing here is calling through to an initialise function, which will take care of some housekeeping for us.
Inside the server directory, create a new file called faceRecognition.js and add the following code;
Hopefully, the code here is fairly straightforward. The initialise function does the following;
Calls through to listCollections, which uses the AWS SDK to query Rekognition, and return a list of collections that already exist. The whole thing is wrapped in Promises, because I think they’re easier to deal with than callbacks.
If there are no collections already in existence, then default collectionIds to an empty array to prevent errors
If our collection (named on line 7) has not been created, it is then created by calling createCollection.
This code should guarantee that when we come to add images to our collection later, that the collection does indeed exist (to avoid unnecessary errors).
We left a TODO in server/database.js for adding images to our Rekognition collection, so let’s discuss that now.Open server/database.js and make the following edits;
Once our image has been uploaded to S3, and added to our own database, we will add it to our Rekognition collection by calling addImageToCollection, which we will write now.
Open faceRecognition.js and make the following changes;
The AWS SDK gives us a function, unintuitively called indexFaces, which we can call with the location of our image in S3.
The key to all this working is line 8 (highlighted);
ExternalImageId: pictureId,
We associate ExternalImageId with the _id we were given by MongoDB. When we get matches later, we will use this ExternalImageId to query the location (URL) of the image from our database.
At the time of writing, there is not any kind of visual tool on Rekognition’s website that can be used for verifying everything is working, so we must persevere to the next step to recognise the fruits of our hard work. How to use React-Webcam
We will use React-Webcam to capture an image of the user from their webcam, and then upload that image to AWS. AWS will respond with a collection of images in which it thinks the user appears in. From testing, I have found this process to be quite accurate, and I have had a lot of fun with it.
In more detail, we need to do the following;
Install React Webcam and configure it to capture images at the right aspect ratio.
Tell Next.js not to server-side render this code, because it will not work on the server.
Use Material UI to add a nice UI, and a Capture button
When the capture button is clicked, we need to grab the current frame, convert it to a Blob and then upload it to a new API endpoint (which we will create in the final step).
Let’s get started.
Rather than exposing React Webcam directly to our page, we will create a new component and wrap up as much logic as we can.
Start by installing React Webcam as follows;
npminstall --save react-webcam
Inside the components directory, create a new file called Webcam.jsx, and add the following code.
This code is a bit long and a bit complicated looking, so let’s digest it.
Starting with the return method of the functional component. We define a basic layout. We mount the ReactWebcam component, and then directly underneath we render a button that will show a spinner when uploading to our API. This is controlled externally. This component has two external factors; onCapture and isUploading. onCapture is a callback which we raise when an image is captured and processed, and isUploading is passed to us when the upload is in progress.
Reading the code upwards, we hit a variable called webcamRef, whose value can change whilst the application is loading. We use the useRef hook to store the value of this object, and then watch it.
We pass a videoConstraints object to ReactWebcam, which describes the shape (width and height) of the capture. We set the widthand height based on the width of the window. We also specify that we want to use the facingMode of user. This defaults to either the webcam, or the “selfie-cam” when used on a mobile device.
We have a function called b64toBlob, which I pinched from Stackoverflow and just tweaked a bit. This converts the captured data into Base64 format and then turns it into a Blob, which we can upload.
When the user clicks the Capture button, the capture function is called, which calls getScreenshot from React Webcam, converts the image to a Blob and then invokes the onCapture callback function and the result is passed back up to the parent for further processing (which we will cover later).
With our Webcam component created, we need to import it into our page and use it.
Open pages/index.js and make the following changes;
import React from "react";
import Paper from "@material-ui/core/Paper";
import Box from "@material-ui/core/Box";
import Typography from "@material-ui/core/Typography";
import Container from "@material-ui/core/Container";
import { makeStyles } from "@material-ui/core/styles";
+import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'
import { FileUpload } from "../components/FileUpload";
+const Webcam = dynamic(import('../components/Webcam').then(instance => instance.Webcam), {
+ ssr: false
const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
layout: {
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "column",
alignItems: "center"
paper: {
padding: theme.spacing(2),
[theme.breakpoints.up(600 + theme.spacing(3) * 2)]: {
marginTop: theme.spacing(8),
padding: `${theme.spacing(6)}px ${theme.spacing(4)}px`
container: {
marginBottom: theme.spacing(10)
const SelectYourPictures = () => {
const classes = useStyles({});
return (
<Container className={classes.container} maxWidth="md">
<main className={classes.layout}>
<Paper className={classes.paper} elevation={2}>
<Typography component="h1" variant="h4" align="center" gutterBottom>
Find your face using AWS Rekognition
<Typography component="h5" variant="h5" gutterBottom>
Start by uploading images to your Rekognition collection
<FileUpload />
+ <Typography component="h5" variant="h5" gutterBottom>
+ Next, upload a picture of yourself
+ </Typography>
+ <Webcam />
export default SelectYourPictures;
Not what you were expecting huh? As Next server-side renders all of our code, this creates a problem for us. We cannot have our Webcamcomponent server-side rendered because it uses the window and other things that are just not available on the server. Next supports the upcoming (ES2010) dynamic imports proposal, which enables lazy loading of modules. We pass in the { ssr: false } flag to instruct Next.js that this is a client-side only component.
We will take care of wiring in the final step. For now, you should at least be able to see yourself from your webcam on the page, when you refresh. Tying it all together to find your face within a collection of images in AWS Rekognition
We’re on the home straight of this marathon post. All that is left to do is;
Wire up the Capture button we wrote in the previous step to post the image from our webcam to the server.
Write a back-end endpoint to accept the image, and run it through Rekognition to find a list of matches.
Return those matches back to the client, so that we can display them.
Let’s start with the front-end. Open pages/index.js
// Code omitted for brevity
const SelectYourPictures = () => {
const classes = useStyles({});
return (
<Container className={classes.container} maxWidth="md">
<main className={classes.layout}>
<Paper className={classes.paper} elevation={2}>
<Typography component="h1" variant="h4" align="center" gutterBottom>
Find your face using AWS Rekognition
<Typography component="h5" variant="h5" gutterBottom>
Start by uploading images to your Rekognition collection
<FileUpload />
<Typography component="h5" variant="h5" gutterBottom>
Next, upload a picture of yourself
- <Webcam />
+ <Webcam onCapture={processImage} isUploading={uploading} />
+ {hasSearched &&
+ (pictures.length > 0 ? renderPictures() : renderNoPicturesFound())}
We will define a few functions and properties here. First, we will add a function called processImage, which will take care of uploading the captured image. Then we will add a variable called uploading, which will show a loading spinner when the upload is in progress. We will also add a hasSearched variable and a pictures variable to show the results of the server request. Finally, if there were any matches, we will call renderPictures(), otherwise, we will call renderNoPicturesFound().
Add the following two functions INSIDE the SelectYourPictures function;
mt={3}><Typography component="h1" variant="h4" align="center">
Nothing to show
</Typography><Typography component="p" gutterBottom>
Sorry, we were not able to find any pictures of you, please try again.</Typography></Box></>)constrenderPictures=()=>{return(<><Box
mb={3}><Typography component="h1" variant="h4" align="center">
We found you!</Typography></Box><Grid container spacing={4}>{pictures.map(picture=>(<Grid item key={picture.location} xs={12} sm={6} md={4}><Card className={classes.card}><CardMedia
In the case of matches being found, renderPictures will be called and we will iterate through each one, rendering it as a card. Otherwise, we will apologise and ask the user to try again, by calling renderNoPicturesFound.
Also, INSIDE the SelectYourPictures function, add the following code;
The processImage function uploads the image to the server, using the uploadPhotoAsync function, which we will define next.So that we do not forget, at the top of the file add the following import for our uploadPhotoAsync function;
+import { uploadPhotoAsync } from './utils'
Now, create a new file called utils.js in the pages directory, and add the following code;
We use formData to add our Blob (the key photo is important because we will use this to fetch the image from the body later) to the body of the request, then use fetch to send a POST request to http://localhost:3000/api/face. If the request is successful, the response is returned back up to the page, otherwise, the error is passed up instead.
We have not created the /face endpoint yet, so let’s do that now.
You may have noticed the recogniseFromBuffer function. This is it, dear reader, the moment you have been waiting for. recogniseFromBufferwill call through to Rekognition, passing along our image, and look for matches. All matches will be returned back to us, and we can return them to the client to be displayed.
Open faceRecognition.js and make the following changes;
This code is surprisingly simple! Rekognition gives us a function called searchFacesByImage, which we can call, passing in the users uploaded image. It then calls back with a collection of matches (FaceMatches). We take a moment to sort the collection into order of most confident match, to least confident match (minimum threshold was set to 95%). We then extract the ExternalImageId and create a unique collection of those ids, so we can go fetch them from the database.
Yes, it really is that simple. Job almost done.
We only need to write our code for fetching pictures from the database, using an array of Ids. Add the following function to database.js;
And be sure to add an import for it to faceRecognition.js;
+import { getPictures } from './database'
Go back to your browser, capture a picture of your face, and observe, those sweet sweet matches should appear after just a few short seconds. Success. Summary
Yep, this was a long one, and it’s been quite a journey. We started by discussing what AWS Rekognition is, and how much it costs. We moved on to discuss Next.js, and how to set it up with a custom Express back-end. When then dove into MongoDB with Mognoose, and used it in conjunction with dotenv to set-up our database and schema. We then wired up Multer, and MulterS3 so that we can easily upload images to our AWS S3 bucket using React FilePond on the front-end. We then moved on to wiring up React Webcam, which enables us to capture a picture from the users webcam, or the front-facing camera on their smartphone, and uploaded that image to the back-end so we could analyse it and look for matches in our Rekognition collection, with at least 95% certainty. We also heavily relied on React Hooks and Material UI for layout and behavior.
I hope you have enjoyed this one! All comments and feedback are welcome and appreciated.